Speeding Ticket Las Vegas
Many people accept a Speeding Ticket Las Vegas as par for the course, and though they may feel their Speeding Ticket Las Vegas wasn’t justified, they accept it.
Las Vegas Ticket Attorney Bennair Batemen, a traffic Traffic Lawyer Las Vegas says that’s often a mistake. A Las Vegas Traffic Ticket, even a Speeding Ticket Las Vegas, is not a foregone conclusion.
Bennair, known as the Ticket Fixer Las Vegas, has had many Speeding Tickets dismissed by the prosecuting attorney, and even when it’s clear you are guilty, a good Las Vegas Ticket Attorney can often get the fine either mitigated or substituted by traffic court.
Speeding Ticket Las Vegas
Speeding Tickets are the most common Las Vegas Traffic Ticket issued, and thus make up a substantial part of a Traffic Lawyers Las Vegas practice.
The fine for speeding is only $205, which makes people wonder if it’s worth hiring a
Traffic Lawyer Las Vegas. But keeping your driver’s license clear not only saves you higher insurance costs but for many people, particularly commercial drivers, including Taxi, Uber and Limo Drivers, can mean the loss of their job.
Las Vegas Municipal Court
The Las Vegas Municipal Court handles all misdemeanor driving offenses, so that’s where Bennair spends a great deal of his time. He is familiar with the judges and their temperament and is also familiar with the prosecuting attorneys who represent the City.
When receiving a Speeding Ticket Las Vegas, you agree either to pay the fine, or to attend court.
One thing many people don’t realize, however, is that Bennair can appear without you.
That means you don’t lose a day’s worth of wages, which goes a long way towards paying his fee.
Ticket Fixer Las Vegas
In court, the ticket fixer will first speak with the prosecuting district attorney. If there is a legitimate question about your guilt, he can often get your Las Vegas Traffic ticket dismissed without ever going in front of the judge.
If that doesn’t work, however, your Las Vegas Traffic Ticket can often be mitigated by an agreement to attend traffic court, or at least a lower fine.
Traffic Lawyer Las Vegas
Bennair truly enjoys his work because every lawyer’s dream is to go to court often, and his profession allows him to help innocent people who rarely come afoul of the law for any reason other than a traffic stop.
It’s worth your time to consult him on your Las Vegas Traffic court issues.
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